Friday, October 18, 2024

A Secret Service motor vehicle was struck near Biden’s Delaware campaign offices

Speaking to reporters in downtown Wilmington, Del., on Sunday, President Biden was interrupted by a Secret Service vehicle guarding the president’s motorcade as he left his re-election campaign offices.

Mr. Biden and first lady Jill Biden were not injured, the White House said. They were attending an event at their campaign headquarters and having dinner with campaign staff.

Mr. While Biden was discussing his poll numbers, a silver vehicle with Delaware license plates pulled up just after 8 p.m. A Secret Service sport utility vehicle was struck blocking an intersection with access to the street Biden was traveling on.

In a statement, the Secret Service said there were “no safety concerns associated with this event,” meaning the crash was accidental and the driver did not know Mr Biden was at the event.

“The President’s motorcade departed without incident,” the agency said in a statement.

No one was injured in the collision, Wilmington Police Department spokesman David Karas said. “Investigators are working to determine if impairment was a factor,” Mr. Karas said.

According to reporters in the White House press pool, officers outside responded to the crash, surrounding the car and pointing weapons at the driver before the driver surrendered.

Officers could be heard demanding the driver open the door. According to the videos Published online. The photographers on display were Mr. Captured and stunned, Biden turned to witness the incident before agents escorted him to his vehicle.

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